The Association (NNOA) is a non-profit, non-trade union and politically and religiously independent. Membership is reserved to present or former officers of law and justice engaged in or promoting drug enforcement and, in special circumstances, other people who work with drug-related problems.
The purpose of the NNOA is to promote and support drug enforcement research that is of service to the judicial system. NNOA shall endeavour to bridge and eliminate obstacles between different spheres of activities within the judicial system, enhance the public consciousness of the danger of narcotic drugs and intensify the fight against drug-related crime.
NNOA supports individual members by contribution in the form of scholarships and allowances for travelling and other activities consistent with the rules of the Association.
Regularly occuring training conferences and seminars led by competent lecturers and instructors are arranged. The Association keeps its members informed of any developments in the field of drugs and works in support of the greatest possible knowledge of the subject. At least four issues of the NNOA-magazine “MOTGIFT” (“ANTIDOTE”) is published each year.
The Association is financed mainly by contributions from individual corporations and organizations. Membership fees and official grants and subsidiaries also constitute important contributions.
Public drug awareness
NNOA runs the national prevention program “Get Involved”. The goal is to make the parents eager to help their children to take the right choices. By creating an environment that stimulates communication between adults, their children, other parents and other children will make it easier for all to reduce the chances of becoming an drug addict.
The Association has approx. 3.700 members. Most are members of the police force but there are also many customs officers and prosecutors. Each year the training conferences of the NNOA are attended by some 500-600 members. Most participate in their spare time and partly pay their own way.
The members of the Association achieve greater knowledge in their respective fields of work through the highly advanced training offered within the framework of the Association activities. Also, the members of the NNOA disseminate this knowledge among their colleagues, individual citizens and organizations for the benefit of drug enforcement.